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Mountmellick Embroidery in Edenderry Library

Edenderry staff blogger Honor writes about her experience in setting up Mountmellick embroidery classes in Edenderry library

Honor 1

Mountmellick Embroidery in Edenderry Library

‘That’s the point of working with one’s hands, you see. It gives the mind something else to do besides worry.’ Charles Todd
Why are Mountmellick embroidery classes happening in Edenderry library? As you can imagine there is an intriguing background to these classes. To understand it all, you need to know a little about the history of Edenderry Quakers.

Honor 6
The first account of a Quaker Meeting being held in Edenderry was in 1673. By the turn of the 17th century, the members added greatly to the town with the establishment of a woollen mill, a tannery, drapery shops and shoe makers. It is believed that a certain form of embroidery was being practiced by the Quakers at this time. Unfortunately, by the early 1800s with the decline in birth rates, the community diminished in size. Their many talents for industry and crafts went with them either to Mountmellick or Waterford.



Honor 2The theme of Heritage Week 2017 was Nature and People. I took this as an opportunity to do something different and decided to dedicate a full day to the history of the Quakers in Edenderry. With generous funding from Creative Ireland, I approached Dolores Dempsey and the day began with an introductory session to Mountmellick embroidery. The participants learned that this type of embroidery is worked in white cotton thread on white cotton fabric. Nature is its inspiration; the subject matter is usually floral especially the dogrose, shamrock, and blackberry. They discovered how sturdy the embroidery is due to the heavy fabric and bold stitching. This introductory session was such a success that the participants decided to establish a group in September 2017 and that led to a further session which began in January 2018.
Honor 7I am delighted that my idea has taken root. It is such a pleasure to see the participants so engrossed in creating such beautiful embroidery. Kitty Usher told me that she loves it, ‘I never did embroidery before and it’s great to see the old craft carried on.’ Another participant Mary Hanelly hopes to complete a lamp shade. When I asked her how the classes were going she said, ‘I would love them to be on every week and couldn’t wait for the classes to start back after Christmas.’
I hope that these classes continue for many years to come in Edenderry library. It gives the participants a chance to put the world and its worries to one side for two hours.

Mountmellick Embroidery class meets every 2nd Wednesday 10.30 to 12.30pm at Edenderry Library

Description : 6 sessions

Cost: Yes

To find out more about Mountmellick embroidery at Edenderry LIbrary visit


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