Community, Healthy Ireland, Library resources

Get ready to get active in Offaly this Christmas!


don't stop me now

Towns all around Offaly are preparing for fun outdoor activities this Christmas, from the January 1st ‘Ballyboy to Ballyboy’ fundraiser for Offaly Hospice to the Lough Boora Discovery Park 5K Santa Dash. Here’s our round-up of some of the runs and walks happening around Offaly in the coming weeks. You can also read on to get a taster of some of the walking and running books, eBooks and magazines available to borrow for free from your local library.

Banagher Christmas Day GOAL Mile – Banagher Athelic Club are invitin all joggers, walkers and carawers to join them for the GOAL Mile on Christmas Day. Starting at the Bank of Irelan at 12:15pm, moving on to Cuba Avenue, down Curraghavarna and arriving back to the square to warm mulled wine and the sounds of Trinity Gospel Choir. Please support this worthy cause. Don’t forget your Santa hats!

Birr Christmas Day GOAL Mile  Please join us for the annual GOAL Mile Birr on Christmas Day at 1pm (sharp) and help those that need it most. GOAL do some amazing work, delivering humanitarian and development programmes throughout the world. You can run, walk, bring the dog, push the buggy while the turkey is resting at home!! (Route: Emmet Square, Emmet Street, New Road, Bulfin Park, Rosse Row, Green Street, Emmet Square finish at Birr Credit Union) PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORTHY CAUSE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS.

Ferbane walking group is on every morning except Sundays starting from Ferbane GAA at 11am. JOin in and get fresh air and exercise in great company and at your own pace.

Kilcormac Walking Club – meet in Lough Boora Parklands every Tuesday and Thursday evening. The meeting poin is the old bicycle hire area. Why not join them any evening, no  need to pre-book, just turn up. They leave on the walk promptly at 7:30pm each evening so just make sure you are there in time tto jin the group. All welcome. ANy enquiries call KDA office on 05791 35445

If you’d like to take up running or walking over the Christmas period, or maybe as a New Year’s resolution, then Offaly Libraries have a wonderful variety of resources to help you to start!

Books on walking and running

You can request some excellent books on running and walking from our  library catalog. Just enter the title of the book or a general search term into the search bar.

your pace or mine

Your Pace or Mine?: What Running Taught Me About Life, Laughter and Coming Last by Lisa Jackson

This book is for anyone who longs to experience the sense of connection and achievement that running has to offer, whether you’re a nervous novice or a seasoned marathoner dreaming of doing an ultra. An account of the triumph of tenacity over a lack of talent, Your Pace or Mine? is proof that running really isn’t about the time you do, but the time you have!

don't stop me now

Don’t Stop Me Now: 26.2 Tales of a Runner’s Obsession  by Vassos Alexande

This is a celebration of running – and what lots of us think about when we run. Part escape, part self-discovery, part therapy, part fitness. Part simple childlike joy of running when you could be walking. Vassos Alexander shares the highs and lows of falling in love with running, from his first paltry efforts to reach the end of his street to completing ultra marathons and triathlons in the same weekend.  Funny, inspiring, honest – the perfect read for anyone with well-worn trainers by the door (or thinking of buying a pair…)

walking guide

Ireland’s Best Walks: A Walking Guide (Walking Guides) by Helen Fairbairn

In a country richly endowed with wild mountain ranges, secluded valleys and untamed coastlines, the best natural landscapes can only be explored on foot. Here are over 60 of the greatest one-day walking routes in Ireland, varying from short strolls to full-day treks.

eBooks on running and walking

You can download eBooks and eAudio-books onto your tablet or smartphone by downloading the BorrowBox app for free from the App store, Google Play or amazon fire.

the running revolutionThe Running Revolution How to Run Faster, Farther, and Injury-Free for Life by Nicholas Romanov

More than a one-size-fits-all guide, The Running Revolution will provide readers with clear instructions that they can easily integrate into their unique running histories in order to run safely, intelligently, and efficiently for many years to come.



runners worldRunner’s World is an inspirational and motivational magazine for runners of all ages and abilities. In every issue of Runner’s World we inform, advise, educate, and motivate runners of all ages and abilities. We help every runner achieve their personal health, fitness and performance goals. Runner’s World shows you the best ways to get the maximum amount of benefits from running in the minimum amount of time. Big promise? Definitely. But you don’t have to take our word for it – we’d like to prove it to you!


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